Description of Song from Community of Unity 2012 from Graham Parker on Vimeo.
Mediastorm New Design is a media maker course centered around students creating media based on their “Song”. It is believed that each person has a distinctive “Song” that is his or hers alone. The focus of this class is to help students discover and get in touch with their “Song,” as well as help navigate the waters that will allow them to sing that song to the best of their abilities. The course will help students explore the different life skills needed to attune such as sense of humor, self-awareness, responsibility, self-esteem, empathy, integrity and focus. Students will be asked to bring something into existence (make) a media product that reflects their “Song.” THe course will help students learn and examine the history and current landscape of the media with a focus on transmedia. Transmedia storytelling is a technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies. Students will be asked to create content that engages an audience in their daily lives using various techniques. Stories will be developed across multiple forms of media to deliver the content. The content will need to be synchronized and linked together in each media channel. The course will use a flipped classroom model and be heavily influenced by design based thinking, the maker movement and social media innovation.
Course Days and Times:
- Mondays 12:20-1:10
- Tuesdays 1:40-2:55, Office Hours 3:00-3:45 in Room 418
- Thursdays: 10:18-11:33
- Fridays: 8:58-9:48
- Dr. Scott Conti -
- Guest Teachers: Kouross Esmail, Suha Araj
- Partner Organizations: Community of Unity
- Attendance - Attendance is the single largest predictor of success in school. When you attend school and do your best in class, you set yourself up for success. Each absence hurts your opportunity to do well in this class. If you miss class and it is excused, you may come after school during Office Hours to make up what you missed for credit. Lateness - Class starts at the second bell. If you come after the bell, you must get a late pass. When you are late to class, you do not earn credit for activities that you miss. All assignments and instructions will be kept on the class blog. You are mandated to read it class blog entry. Assignments must be handed in before the end of each quarter. Milestones are allowed to be late if permission is given by Scott. You will only be graded for what you professional produce.
- 20% Professionalism - attendance and punctuality, participation in class, engagement in class
- 30% Milestones - The actual milestone and all revisions leading up to the milestone;
- 50% Daily Assignments - twitter, blogs and other social media
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